Substance abuse treatment has proven most effective when paired with a network of services that meet the needs of the individual, yet, historically, prevention and intervention programs targeted to pregnant women and mothers have been greatly under funded, arguably fostering the cycle of maternal and family dysfunction. (Baltimore City: A Five Year Plan, 2005)
In 2007, the transitional housing program was certified as a long-term residential treatment program by the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Administration (ADAA). Upon entry into the program, clients assist with the development of their Treatment Plan and identify goals for their recovery process. Dayspring Programs’ Certified Addiction’s Counselor provides individual substance abuse treatment sessions and group meetings. When indicated, referrals are made to other community agencies (e.g., domestic violence counseling, mental health therapy, etc.). Dayspring staff members also assist clients in addressing their primary needs, such as receiving supportive services, obtaining food, and making and maintaining appointments, as a way to then allow them the opportunity to focus on their recovery process.
Dayspring staff use a collaborative, supportive approach building upon client strengths in order to increase confidence in their respective abilities to identify and resolve problems. Effective therapeutic styles are employed that focus on treatment goals that are important to the client.
The Dayspring program addresses substance abuse and other addictions with research-based prevention programs including Strengthening Families Program (SFP) workshops. SFP is a powerful forum for family change because it involves the whole family. A positive family climate, supportive parent/child relationships, guidance/supervision, communication and values are major influences in protecting youth from risky behaviors.